traveling the world on points

Welcome! My name is Julie and I love to travel. I also love a good deal so I have combined my love of travel and using all kinds of points to do this is as economically as possible (most of the time FREE!). I have had a lot people tell me I should do a blog over the years and I finally have the time. Follow me (and different family members and friends as we journey around the world on points). I tell you how I did it and hopefully inspire you to do the same. So here we go…….

I’ve played the point game for as long as I can remember. I remember being in my first apartment and signing up for a credit card to get a $250 Amazon gift card and I was hooked. Little did I know that it could be so much more lucrative and provide so much joy to me and my family. I honestly do not believe in re-inventing wheel so instead of my breaking down everything here to start with I am going to suggest you go to Sign up for their class. They do not spam you with tons of emails but you might get a few. Do the course. Process then look at it again. After doing this for over 20 years I am still learning and getting better.

Check out my adventures here and how I did it free or cheap on points