Sky princess: thermal spa

Inside the lotus spa on the Sky Princess is the Enclave. This is their thermal spa and it was amazing. The most crowded day was the first sea day. It was the only time I had to wait for a chair. It was also the weirdest day. I saw someone having a zoom meeting in there using two loungers. One for them to sit and other with their laptop. Seriously you cannot make this up! I also had a man tell me a seat was being used by someone who never showed up. While irritating I didn’t let it ruin my time.

Entrance to the spa

I bought my 7-day pass online before I even boarded the ship. I think it was $149 for the 7 days. When we arrived on the ship, we went and got our spa stickers put on our medallions and we toured the spa. It was very impressive.

Here is the pool/hot tub area. It had two showers on each side of the pool that felt so good on my achy back. It had a rain shower in the middle. I spent a lot of time here over my 7 days. Again the only time it was remotely crowded was the first sea day.

Thermal pool

They had 11 heated loungers in the spa. These are amazing. I have used these on other cruises and they are so relaxing.

2 of the 11 heated loungers

Here I am relaxing on the heated loungers. They had plenty of towels and chilled washcloths. They had fruit infused water when you arrive in the thermal spa that was nice to sip on and relax.

Me Zen

They had 3 steam rooms available in the thermal area. They varied the heat in these and 2 were more dry steam rooms and one was more wet. All were amazing.

1 of the 3 steam rooms in the Enclave

I didn’t go everyday but I did go most days, and it was money well spent. I love being able to relax in the spa without having to get a spa treatment.


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