Maximizing points - lyft
My Chase Sapphire Reserve card is my go-to card. This card has a hefty annual fee of $550. I get way more out of this card than that by maximizing its benefits. To do this I try to use this card to its full potential. This past weekend we went to Miami for a quick anniversary getaway. You can see how I booked this amazing trip for free here.
Since we were staying in South Beach for this short getaway there was no reason to get a rental car. I knew we would either need to use a taxi, uber, or Lyft to get around. With my Chase Sapphire Reserve card I get the lyft Pink All Access pass for free each year. I don’t Lyft often but it is nice to save money whenever I do. Expecially when the benefit is free.
I also knew until the end of March 2025 I would get $10 points per dollar instead of $3 on Lyft purchases.This all adds up remember our family motto is to Leave No Point Left Behind.
10x lyft
Before we took flight, I checked my Chase offers and was pleased to see an offer for Lyft waiting for me in my account. I clicked on it to add it to offers I wanted to use. My offer was $15 off $50 in total Lyft purchases.
Chase offer
All I had to do now was use Lyft on my trip to maximize my savings We ended up booking two Lyfts this trip from the Airport to the hotel and back to the airport. Since these total right over $50. I will get $15 back and then 10 Chase ultimate rewards per dollar spent.
All these little points start to add up and help our family save huge on travel!