
My next cruise is in January. I am taking my son, Tanner. We are trying out MSC for the first time. I have heard mixed reviews on MSC. Some people love it, and others hate it. I like to make my own opinions about things, so I thought let’s give it a try. We have a group of us going on this cruise. It was pretty affordable, but I thought what if I could get it for free?

This is where URComped helped me achieve my goal. URcomped is a platform that allows casino players like me to get the best possible offers from various casinos and cruise lines. To unlock new comp offers, players need to:

  1. Create a urcomped account

  2. Upload pictures of valid casino offers (these are verified by the Urcomped team).

Once my offers were verified, I started getting offers for free cruises and trips to land-based casinos. The best thing this service doesn’t cost me a thing. They did all the work, and I get to enjoy the comps.

I went to their website and submitted all the casino offers I had gotten for the past year. I started getting emails for free sailings I could choose from. The cruise my friends were going on was included. I submitted a request for this cruise. Within a day the cruise was booked for me. I had to call MSC to put down a $400 deposit. I will get the $400 back as an onboard credit. This is pretty standard for casino deals. They want to make sure you show up.

i will be honest I was so nervous doing this. I read a ton of reviews and I thought let’s just go for it. It was easy and I loved that all I had to do was call the cruise line and give them my credit card for the deposit. Everything was done for me.

If you are a casino gambler and want to try different cruise lines without paying full fare. Urcomped might be your solution. You can check out their website at www.urcomped.com.


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